Frequently Asked Questions

What if I’m not a Christian?

It doesn’t matter, everyone is welcome from every background and belief.

Is the event free to enter?

Yes it’s completely free to everyone! Our intention is to freely give a blessing to the Island and its people.

I’m an Atheist/Agnostic, can I still attend?

All people believe in something, even if it’s the belief that there is nothing after we die. Whatever you believe or don’t believe, if you have never experienced what Jesus has made available for you, you’re missing out on the greatest life changing free gift. The Gospel and the Love of Christ is all inclusive. Whatever your viewpoint you are very welcome as is anyone who has questions.

Does it matter if I have a criminal background?

No it doesn’t matter where you have come from or what you have done, Jesus came for all people. No one is ‘too bad’ or for that matter ‘too good’ for Jesus. Nobody is a nobody, everybody is a somebody, so come and hear the amazing truth of the Gospel that can set you free.